If you have to join straps for a recovery situation, you need to do so in a safe & effective manner. The best option is to create a standard REEF KNOT using the strap eyes. However... once you have used the straps joined in this manner, often they will never undo! Some people place a log or branch in the middle of the knot, however this can be dangerous if the strap should break. Others use a rolled up newspaper, however, there is often times when all the papers have been used the night before to get the camp fire burning.
New to the Roadsafe lineup is the Roadsafe KNOT STOP. Simply create your REEF KNOT to join the two straps safely, and place the KNOT STOP in the middle of the knot. This will allow for easy separation of the straps after use. Supplied in flouro orange, so they can be readily identified, the Roadsafe KNOT STOP is supplied complete with additional strap for securing the KNOT STOP into position when there is no tension on the knot to hold the KNOT STOP in place.